Real Value Tuition

Unlock and maximise your child’s potential

Year 7 - 12 Mathematics

July 2024 Holiday Class Schedule

Spots are Limited - Register by Saturday the 29th of June!

Unlock Your Child’s Potential with Real Value Tuition

Are you a parent seeking exceptional high school mathematics tutoring for your child? Look no further! Real Value Tuition (Burwood), founded by Owen Tong, specialises in high school mathematics education.

Here’s why you should choose Real Value Tuition:

  1. Expertise and Proven Results: Owen, who scored an impressive 98.2 ATAR, is a qualified Actuary with over 20 years of teaching experience across high school and university levels. His teaching methods have consistently yielded remarkable outcomes for students.

  2. High Retention Rate: With an 83% retention rate, Owen’s students remain engaged and committed to his teaching. This statistic speaks volumes about the effectiveness of his approach.

  3. Personalised Approach: Owen understands that teaching isn’t one-size-fits-all. He tailors his teaching methods to each student’s learning curve, identifies their strengths and weaknesses, and then crafts a bespoke approach for each student.

  4. Real Understanding, Not Memorisation: Owen goes beyond rote memorisation. He focuses on building a rock-solid foundation and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. He empowers his students to become confident problem solvers in and beyond the classroom.

  5. The Ripple Effect: Owen’s impact extends beyond grades. His students carry his teachings into other subjects and their future. Real Value Tuition isn’t just about maths - it’s about unleashing his students’ true potential.

  6. Flexible Learning Options: Whether in-person or online, Real Value Tuition provides a high-quality learning experience. Interactive teaching software ensures engagement, regardless of the platform.

  7. No obligation trial: Experience the difference at Real Value Tuition – with zero obligations. Sign up for a free consultation and a free 2-hour group lesson (in person at Burwood/online) via the Contact Us button below.

When you choose Owen, you’re not just hiring a mathematics tutor; you’re enlisting a mentor who can help your child realize their full potential. Enrol now at Real Value Tuition and witness the transformation! 🌟

Parent and Student Testimonials

About Me (Owen Tong)

Owen Tong

Founder of Real Value Tuition

  • 20+ years of teaching mathematics at the high school level

  • 16+ years of teaching finance, actuarial studies, and statistics at the university level (UNSW, UTS and Macquarie University)

  • Scored 98.2 ATAR; studied Actuarial Studies and Applied Finance

  • Experienced Actuary at top firms like QBE Insurance, Westpac, Deloitte, AMP and Hannover Reinsurance

 “Many individuals are solely outcome-focused. If they can focus on their efforts instead, the resulting outcome will be greater than they can imagine.”

— Owen Tong, Founder of Real Value Tuition

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Suite 6, 43 George Street, Burwood, NSW, 2134


0475 777 577